Raw dog food delivery

Yep, it’s a thing! Raw dog food delivery is available in all Australian urban areas, and even some rural areas may benefit from such a service.

Raw dog food can be much healthier than processed biscuits or corn in a can coloured to look like meat. Most raw diets (or BARF) take the pain away from making it at home, without the risk of getting it wrong.

It’s a costlier option, but also very convenient. Handy for those who work long hours and don’t fancy chopping up lamb heart and liver when they get home from work. Especially when MAFS is on.

On this page I’ll jot down options Australia-wide and per city. If you have any local recommendations please comment, as there are many raw dog food companies springing up all over the place.

Due diligence on raw dog food deliveries

When choosing a raw dog food, especially from local companies who plaster stickers on all the bins in the dog park, it’s worth doing due dilligence.

Here are some pointers:

  • Is the meat human grade or pet grade? In Australia there’s a vast difference in quality between the two, so opt for human grade if at all possible. Pet grade meats have resulted in numerous problems in Australia such as excessive sulphite preservatives, foreign object contaminants, and as recently as 2021 saw toxic horse meat sold as raw dog food (labelled as beef).
  • Is the diet formulated as a complete raw dog food diet, or is it just “mince”? Local butchers often sell pet mince which is a churned up mash of leftovers – fine in moderation, but likely won’t cover all nutritional requirements. Properly formulated raw dog food will contain a ratio of 80/10/10 (80% meat, 80% bone, 80% offal), which will be inclusive of liver, and often a few extras such as oils, pre/probiotics, turmeric, garlic, and so forth.
  • What is the reputation of the company? Honestly, reputation goes a long way. I hear terrible stories about many dubious offshoot raw sellers, and given our lack of regulations it’s possible for these companies to bend the rules or outright lie.
  • Transparency. If a company won’t disclose their ingredients, or grade of meat, then avoid. Simple as that.

Raw dog food delivery – Nationwide

At the time of writing only a few pet food companies have managed to implement logistics to deliver nationwide. With fresh raw food it is nigh on impossible to ship to rural areas unless you opt for freeze-dried or air-dried raw, so I’ll list those too.

All these dog foods are available in all Australian metro areas – Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney.

Raw dog food delivery nationwide:

  • Lyka (🇦🇺 Fresh raw) – available direct from their website (20% off first order with link).
  • Petzyo (🇦🇺 BARF) – available direct from their website (10% off first order with link).
  • Frontier Pets (🇦🇺 Freeze-dried raw) – available direct from their website.
  • Balanced Life (🇦🇺 Air-dried raw) – available from multiple retailers.
  • K9 Natural (🇳🇿 Freeze-dried raw) – available from multiple retailers.
  • ZIWIPeak (🇳🇿 Air-dried raw) – available from multiple retailers.
  • Woof and Meow (🇳🇿 Freeze-dried raw) – available from multiple retailers and some supermarkets.
  • Raw Meow (🇦🇺 Freeze-dried raw – only for cats) – available from their website.

All the above should be readily available. It’s common these days for raw dog food companies to ship direct, cutting out the middle-man retailer to offer you a better product for an affordable price.

Air-dried and freeze-dried raw foods should be available via a regular delivery service, usually including rural areas.

ZIWIPeak and K9 Natural are big brands worldwide, with a lot of great consumer feedback. Being “dried” means they’re not raw par-se, but as dried raw offer a great deal of convenience.

The remaining dried raw brands should also be readily available.

Raw dog food delivery – By local area

The following are in addition to those listed under “Raw dog food delivery – Nationwide”.

As it is harder for me to track raw dog food companies in individual metro areas feel free to add suggestions in the comments.

⚠️ Please note: Refer to the due diligence section above. I have little to no consumer feedback on many of these brands.







  • Boy & Bear – I believe this is pet grade meat.


Recommend a raw dog food delivery company!

Raw dog food delivery companies spring up and disappear all the time, so please comment if you have anything useful to add.

If you speak with any of the above companies, or work for them, and can provide further info then please do.

If you can clarify human grade or pet grade meat with any of the above, please do so.

Hopefully this raw dog food delivery guide is useful!!

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David D'Angelo

David D'Angelo has worked as a scientist since graduating with a BSc (Hons) in 2000. In addition, David holds a CPD accredited Diploma in Pet Nutrition as well as being CPD accredited VSA (Veterinary Support Assistant). However, his experience and involvement in the pet food industry for 15+ years has given true insight into pet food, formulations, science, research, and pet food marketing. Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Pinterest

  1. I suggest looking into the Natural Canine in Adelaide 🙂

  2. I feed my dogs all kinds of freeze dried, air dried, raw chicken, good quality dog food brands with top stars. A little mix here and there cos I wouldn’t want to eat the same thing every day. I fed them Frontier Pets a while back and a couple of them developed runny poo and itchy skin. Dumped it. The issues eventually stopped. Maltese, aged from 4 to 7. Just because the food is highly rated as good, doesn’t mean it’s going to be perfect for your particular dog. Am currently on FurFresh and back to ziwi peak (long time ziwi peak air dried fan) but i have to say that the vegetable content in the Furfresh packets has got higher than the meat content in the time i’ve been using it. That’s not impressive and I don’t think it’s good value for money. I now pick out the balls and use them first. When they run out i just feed the vegetables with some other meat. 4 of them like the vegetables. 1 will pick all the meat out and leave the vegetables.

  3. Love to see a review on “Bezzie” which is a delivery service that offers raw, cooked and kibble.

  4. Another one for Perth is Pet Fresh.

  5. A few more Melbourne ones that come to mind;


    Tuckertub also have a number of distributors around the state which are pretty much the only game in town if you’re out in the country and need delivery.

    Also, don’t quote me but the Barking Good info might be out of date. I think they did deliveries of raw product during lockdown as a courtesy but that has come to an end and now it’s back to just items that can be sent by post.

  6. Actually, I too have thoroughly researched suppliers across Australia and these all appear fairly accurate.

    However, being from WA I use a fabulous supplier called Skinny Dog. They are NRC approved and all of their products are 100% preservative free. Perhaps you could add this to your list.

  7. HOBART! Just moved here and I think we have dropped off the map of Australia, haha! Come one someone, we care about are doggo’s in Tasmania too!

    • Reply
      Pet Food Reviews (Australia) July 15, 2022 at 5:27 pm

      Noted! (Sorry!)

      If anyone knows any good raw dog food companies in Tasmania let me know!!

      • Would also love to be able to buy your products but live on the west coast of Tasmania. Finding it very difficult to get good raw dog food unless I travel over 250km

  8. Hi,
    I have had my first delivery from ‘Raw & Fresh’ to a rural area in Gippsland. The delivery was very well packaged and delivered on time to my property and was left inside the gate as instructed. I am very impressed with the product so far, as was my dog! They have some good options for raw feeding, especially for beginners such as myself, but also bulk meat for those wanting to DIY vegies etc., which I am going to try next. I am also going to try their cat ‘Starter’ pack and see if I can move my cats across to raw as well. Not the cheapest food, but you get what you pay for and with not a very good supply of human grade, unfrozen, affordable meat in my area, this is a great option. ‘Highly Recommend’ so far.

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