Vets All Natural Raw76 Dog Food Review

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Website Vets All Natural
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Vets All Natural Raw 76

Vets All Natural Raw 76

Vets All Natural offer a range of raw diet products. These range from packets of 100% meat + organs to their Complete Mix which you add to fresh meat. For this review we’ll focus on Raw76 as a complete balanced diet.

It’s difficult to offer a rating alongside the dry foods reviewed on this website as this is a fresh food, but don’t take that the wrong way. Raw has many advantages over a dry diet when fed correctly, and these products offer an easy way to introduce a raw diet that would otherwise need to be extensively researched. That’s a great thing!

Let’s take a look…

The main ingredient is kangaroo, one of the most beneficial lean meats available. This is combined with tripe, a staple ingredient in a raw diet which offers excellent health benefits as it’s packed with digestive enzymes and probiotics. It offers better digestion, better immune system, and cleanses the blood removing toxins, parasites, and fungus. Tripe is one of the most difficult foods to feed raw as it’s difficult to source. You can’t find it in supermarkets, although some butchers may stock it if you ask. The reason it’s hard to source is because it really stinks. Feeding tripe with a food such as this offers convenience in that respect.

Vets All Natural Raw76 Dog Food Review

I’ll make a couple of assumptions here. The kangaroo may be inclusive of organ meats, and the tripe should be green tripe as opposed to the less nutritious bleached white tripe sold for human consumption. I note neither of these points are clarified.

The meat and tripe should account for 76% of the food (hence the name), with the other 24% comprising of all other ingredients necessary to balance the diet. This recipe is grain-based, with an excellent choice of oats and barley as two of the best grains available. Don’t be put off by grains as decent grains offer nutritional benefits and a source of slow-burning energy.

There’s a range of inclusions for digestion, immune support, skin, coat, and joint health, such as barley grassparsleykelp, and lecithin, and added vitamin C.

Let’s consider the pros and cons for feeding a fresh raw food such as this. A huge pro is you’re offering your dog a much more natural diet than any kibble can provide. The cons are the additional cost, storage concerns, and shelf life. Food such as this is definitely worth considering, or if you want more control over the meats you feed then consider Complete Mix.

Where to buy?


Good points…

A much more natural diet than kibble.

Bad points…

As a fresh food this costs more and shelf life needs to be considered.


Kangaroo, tripe, rolled oats, cracked barley, flax seed meal, whole grain oats, vegetables, barley grass, parsley, garlic, kelp, lecithin, brewers yeast, calcium carbonate and vitamin c. Natural source of antioxidants, trace elements, essential fatty acids vitamins, minerals and thiamin.

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David D'Angelo

David D'Angelo has worked as a scientist since graduating with a BSc (Hons) in 2000. In addition, David holds a CPD accredited Diploma in Pet Nutrition as well as being CPD accredited VSA (Veterinary Support Assistant). However, his experience and involvement in the pet food industry for 15+ years has given true insight into pet food, formulations, science, research, and pet food marketing. Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Pinterest

1 Comment
  1. My dog digests this extremely well. Alot less poos.He absolutely loves it. The only down side is it does smell revolting but you get used to it

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