Dogumentary! Film your dog’s point of view “action cam” style!

Ok, so I confess I like my gadgets, and I was excited to hear you can get a “dog harness” for the Sony Action Cam.

Check out the footage of Gizmo the Groodle as he banters around the park and has a swim in the lake:

You can find the Sony Action Cam Dog Harness on Camera Compare.

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David D'Angelo

David D'Angelo has worked as a scientist since graduating with a BSc (Hons) in 2000. In addition, David holds a CPD accredited Diploma in Pet Nutrition as well as being CPD accredited VSA (Veterinary Support Assistant). However, his experience and involvement in the pet food industry for 15+ years has given true insight into pet food, formulations, science, research, and pet food marketing. Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Pinterest

1 Comment
  1. Thanks Gizmo, you made me smile- all the way through the video!

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