Woolworths Essentials Cat Food Review

Available fromWoolworths

80% of cats in their older years get diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It’s not surprising when most cats are fed a diet of cereal grains and cereal grain by-products baked into rock hard kibble. That’s pretty insane when cats are factually known to be obligate carnivores. When you feed them kibble like this one (or Woolworths Smitten for that matter), it is very likely your cat will suffer.

Woolworths Essentials cat food review

All “flavours” in the range are formulated the same, so don’t be fooled into believing you’re feeding your cat a variety if you offer him different flavours. They’re all made from cereals and/or cereal by-products, very likely problematic wheat and rice. Your poor cat.

26% protein is low, especially when we’re looking at protein from cereal grains rather than meat. 8% fat is very low, and ensures the kibble is high in carbohydrates/sugars. We estimate carbohydrates to be around half of the product.

Woolworths Essentials Cat Food Review

The ambiguous ingredient “flavours” will likely be artificial flavours or a nasty animal digest broth, and we can pretty much assume “preservatives” and “antioxidants” are chemical/synthetic as otherwise they’d be listed as natural. In layman’s terms, they’re not using ingredients which are good for your cat, they’re using ingredients which are good for their profits.

Woolworths Essentials Cat Food Review

There really isn’t anything decent to say about this product. It’s definitely not species appropriate. Yes, it may be cheap, but you’ll pay the price down the track if your cat’s organs start giving up.

Please don’t feed this to your cat.

Where to buy Woolworths Essentials

Fairly obvious one here – Woolworths Essentials is available to buy in your local Woolies store. Not that you would buy it, would you?

Ingredients of Woolworths Essentials “cat food”

Wholegrain cereals and/or cereal by-products, Meat and meat by products (derived from poultry and/or beef, and/or fish), Tallow (derived from beef and/or poultry and/or lamb), Flavours, Salt, Potassium Chloride, DL Methionine, Choline Chloride, Vitamins & Minerals, Taurine, Preservatives, and Antioxidants.

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1 Total Score

  • Cereal grains and by-products are not a species appropriate diet

David D'Angelo

David D'Angelo has worked as a scientist since graduating with a BSc (Hons) in 2000. In addition, David holds a CPD accredited Diploma in Pet Nutrition as well as being CPD accredited VSA (Veterinary Support Assistant). However, his experience and involvement in the pet food industry for 15+ years has given true insight into pet food, formulations, science, research, and pet food marketing. Facebook | LinkedIn | Instagram | Pinterest

  1. It’s sickening to see such ridiculously low quality and harmful product passed off as “cat food”.

  2. My cat vomits from eating it, and ants don’t touch it. There’s something bloody wrong with this stuff.

    • I have ant friends on our farm, they don’t touch any kibble, high end or what not. They don’t like freeze dried or air dried either. Weird ants we got out here, homemade cooked food for the dogs, heck yeah! haha and honey too.

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