Search results for: applaws cat
Applaws Cat Food Review

Applaws is one of the best brands readily available in the supermarket.

What’s the best cat food (in Australia)?

What is the best cat food in 2024? This may depend on your budget, circumstances, and where you shop, but here are some great recommendations (and advice!)

Fussy Cat Cat Food Review

If you shop at Coles, Woolworths, or IGA, then you've probably seen this popular brand of "cat food". Fussy Cat has been a household name for quite some ...

Applaws – Manufacturing issue November 2015 to January 2016

Applaws are a UK company and relatively new to the Australian pet food market. Those that follow our Facebook page will be aware of a manufacturing problem ...

What’s the Best Kitten Food in Australia?

Your furry little pet carnivore depends on you for their health and wellbeing, and that starts with diet. Let's take a look at the best kitten foods in ...

Woolworths Baxters Dog Food – Sick/Deceased Dog Reports

We lost our healthy 42kg 5 year old Bull Arab 16 hours after eating Baxters puppy dry food for the first time. He had seizures, convulsions, vomiting, ...

Pet Food Reviews (Australia)
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